Annual General Meetings


The Burney Society UK

Annual General Meeting

Saturday 15 June 2024 

at University of Greenwich, QA 038, Queen Anne Building,

Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, Greenwich, London SE10 9NW

Doors open 9:00 AGM commences 9:15

Draft Agenda

1. Apologies for absence & Attendees

2. Minutes of 2023 AGM and matters arising (Draft Minutes emailed to members on 24 May 2024) 

3. Chair report by Miriam Al Jamil

4. Treasurer Report by Lucy- Anne Katgely

5. Secretary Report and Membership Report by Trudie Messent

6. 2024 Research Bursary Report by Sophie Coulombeau

7. Re-election of Officers and Committee members

Officers of Society:

              Peter Sabor – Hon. President

              Miriam Al Jamil – Chair

              Lucy- Anne Katgely – Treasurer

              Trudie Messent – Secretary & Membership

Committee members: 

Lorna Clark – Co-ordinator Burney Society of North America

Alison Daniell – University co-ordinator

Francesca Saggini – Research Bursary Lead

Beth Stewart  – Social networks

8. Conference Report by Trudie Messent

9. AOB

10. Talk on her Research Bursary by  2023 Winner, Hannah Wilson

A break with complimentary refreshments will follow the AGM. We invite you to stay for the rest of the morning, which will include papers by our Chair, Miriam Al Jamil on ‘General d’Arblay: Momentoes of a Military Life’ and our Treasurer, Lucy-Anne Katgely on ‘Gender-bending Heroism: Sarah Harriet Burney’s Narrative Explorations’.

On Saturday afternoon I have arranged an exciting programme, so that you can ‘make a day of it’. I have managed to negotiate an excellent group price of £35 pp for the following schedule:

13:00 Walk to the Old Brewery (on ORNC site) during which Miriam will introduce you to some Coade artefacts

13:10 – 14.20 Two- course lunch at historic Old Brewery Pub (I will upload the menu as soon as I receive it from ORNC).

14.20 Group Entry to Painted Hall (the English ‘Sistine chapel’ ) to include a 30 minute guided tour and/or audio guide.

15:15 – 16:10 Cream tea (including scone, jam, cream and tea) in Undercroft Cafe of Painted Hall.

16:15  Group entry to Old Royal Naval College Museum, with interesting historical artefacts, including Coade sculptures. We need to enter as a group but you will then be free to look around the museum. 

Please email if you wish to attend the AGM. If you also would like to stay on for the afternoon, please let us know via email and EITHER send a cheque for £35 per person, with names on reverse, made payable to ‘The Burney Society’, posted c/o The Secretary, 11 Beaconsfield Road, Claygate, Esher, Surrey KT10 0PN  OR pay by bank transfer, making sure your Surname is included in the details. Business Bank Account name: The Burney Society Account number: 83156410 Sort code: 60-01-13

 Queries – please email

PLEASE SEE LATEST NEWS ON Home Page for FREE RECITAL OF CHARLES BURNEY COMPOSITIONS on Thursday 13 June 2024 to celebrate 30 years since Founding of Burney Society. 


2022 Annual General Meeting

This was held on Saturday 11 June 2022, at The Foundling Museum, London WC1

2022 AGM Draft Minutes


2021 Annual General Meeting

This was held on Saturday 4 September 2021 via Zoom at 14:00 BST. After the AGM there was a talk by Professor Maurizio Ascari. 

2021 AGM Draft Minutes 



The 2020 Burney Society UK AGM was held online via Zoom on 3rd October 2020 at 14:00 (London: GMT +1). 

We are pleased to announce that the text of the brilliant talk which Sian Ejiwunmi-Le Berre presented after the AGM is available via the link below. The talk was on her recent BBC Radio 4 play ‘When Fanny met Germaine’. This is still available at

Sian has kindly agreed to give us access to her studio script for  ‘When Fanny met Germaine’. Please note script is strictly copyright.

2020 AGM Talk by Sian Ejiwunmi-Le Berre

2020 AGM Draft Minutes

Constitution Revised 2019 Amended 2020

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Previous AGMs

The 2019 Burney Society UK Annual General Meeting was held after the Roundtable discussion at the 2019 Conference in Lincoln, on Wednesday 31st July at 15.45 – 17.00.  





REVISED CONSTITUTION – as agreed at 2019 AGM

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2018 AGM

The 2018 AGM was held at Notre Dame University, 1 Suffolk Street, London on 6 October 2018 at 2.00 p.m.

After the AGM, Joseph Morrissey gave a talk on: ‘The Pleasure and Pain of Musical Accomplishment in Frances Burney’s The Wanderer.’ 

Joseph’s new book is Women’s Domestic Activity in the Romantic-Period Novel,  1779-1820 


2018 Agenda

2018 Minutes

Joseph Morrissey’s talk 


Sian Ejiwunmi-Le Berre Photo: T Messent